Installation Instructions

Follow the deck framing tips, the plank gapping, and end gapping pages to begin your plank installa-
tion. These steps are key to ensure your decking is properly installed to last for many years. Before install-
ing Fusion
decking, be sure to look over all your boards and note color differences in order to distribute
the boards in a pleasing, natural looking manner.
Follow the deck framing tips, the plank gapping, and end gapping pages to begin your plank installa-
tion. These steps are key to ensure your decking is properly installed to last for many years.
Note: When using this method, use composite deck screws, or 2⁄" conventional deck screws. Compos-
ite deck screws are recommended for this application, as they pull shavings into the screw hole, elimi-
nating the "mushrooming effect". When using conventional deck screws, you must pre-drill and coun-
tersink for each screw to avoid the "mushrooming effect".
Begin screwing, keeping screws at least ⁄" away from the edge or end of the plank to prevent splitting.
It is necessary to pre-drill and countersink at each end of an UltraDeck
board. Always add additional
nailer boards at butt seams (see page 7). Do not over tighten fasteners. When fastening Natural
us planks, screws must be passed through the interior channel to avoid compression of the planks (2
screws must be placed on each board at every joist).
Install DekMount
onto each joist by screwing a ⁄" premium screw through side hole in
. DekMount should be flush on top of the joist and flat against the side of the joist.
is easily cut with snips to fit in any required length. Stagger DekMount
butt joints so they
don't land in the same location on each joist. 12" is recommended for staggering of butt joints.
Install deck planks one at a time, from the end of the deck, working back towards the house or walled
structure. This allows you to reach the last plank attached from beneath the deck. The deck planks
should be located and spaced using side to side and end gapping charts before screwing. Screw from
the bottom; for best results, do not screw at the edge. By kneeling on top of the plank and reaching
underneath, the screws are driven upwards through the DekMount
and into the plank. DekMount
is designed to provide for a minimum of 2 holes for each plank. If the deck is elevated and is easier to
fasten from below the deck, another person should be on top of the deck, not only to ensure proper
spacing, but to provide weight; allowing the screws to securely anchor deck board.
Fastening System
*For Rustic
& Natural
radius boards only
Fastening System
Note: Use of clamp to secure board in place prior to fastening will aid in installation.
radius edge boards
radius edge boards
Note: For radius board installation, follow DekMount
or surface screwing installation instructions.
If installing decking planks with T-Clips
, follow Step 3 of T-Clip
installation on final grooved deck (at perpendicular joists only).
For deck framing perimeter applications, additional bridging joists every 12" may be required to support radius edge boards installed in perimeter applications.