Installation Guide

Maintenance suggestions:
o Hardwood mouldings are designed to be durable and have finishes which meet or
exceed all Major Flooring Manufacturer’s specifications.
o However, wood is a natural product and is susceptible to structural damage when
handled in a negligent manner.
o Common sense guidelines would include:
Use of area rugs and runners in high traffic areas where damaging dirt and gravel
may be tracked into the house.
Sweep and vacuum regularly to help limit the likelihood of damage from stray
abrasive particles like sand.
Follow the flooring manufacturer’s recommendations for cleaning products.
Limit the floor’s exposure to water and harsh chemical cleaners.
Shoes with spikes or damaged heels can quickly damage an otherwise beautiful floor
and mouldings.
When moving furniture, use the appropriate padding and coasters under all legs. Do
not count on casters to provide all the protection for flooring.
When navigating room dividing mouldings, ease the furniture over the moulding or
lift and move when possible.
Go ahead and get started and enjoy the serviceability and long lasting
durability of your Penn Wood Products’ Mouldings.