User manual

Data input format:
Coordinates are given in degree with 6 fractional digits. This is the same format used by
GoogleMaps after right click – ”What is this?”.
Latitude – gg.ggggggN (degrees)
e.g.: 49° 59.5058’ N -> 49.991763N
Longitude – ggg.ggggggE (degrees)
e.g. 11° 57.0399’ E -> 011.950665E
GPS coordinates are given in degree with 6 fractional digits by the “GX107”. Accordingly, the
information can be in the following range:
XX.000000° to XX.999999°
Missing digits must be filled up with “0”.
Example: E.g. 11.532°E = 011.532000
If you want to monitor a specific zone, enter the data as in the following example:
SET GPSZONE 49.549680N 011.924780E 49.537480N 011.957910E #1513
The response will be:
GX107 1.XX
GPS zone: 1/1 <—— Zone number
49.549680N - 49.537480N
011.924780E - 011.957910E
Observe that every command “SET GPSZONE” will add a new zone. When the
storage limit is reached, an error message is returned.