Use and Care Manual

Container: Phalaenopsis will come in a plastic grower’s pot. Decorative Pot is
not included.
Lighting: bright light is best
Water: Weekly watering will be required. It is best to drench once a week. Be
sure to allow water to drain out completely. Avoid standing water. Select a day of
the week and always water on that same day to prevent over watering.
Temperature: If you live in a place where the weather changes to temperatures
below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, do not leave the plant outside.You will need to
bring the plant inside to prevent cold exposure during temperatures below 50
degrees Fahrenheit. Ideal climate is 59-79 degrees Fahrenheit.
Fertilizer: Water Soluble 20-10-20 is best
Grower’s Phalaenopsis
Orchid in 4 in plastic pot

Summary of content (1 pages)