
User Experience Software
3 User Experience Software
There are two software examples included with the F5529 LaunchPad (see Table 5) that can be found in
the zip folder (SLAC623). This zip folder also contains the hardware design files and documentation.
Table 5. Software Examples
Demo Name USB Interface Type Description
The out-of-box demo, or user experience, that is
programmed on the F5529 LaunchPad from the factory.
MSC: in-flash storage volume
emulStorageKeyboard Its function is described in Section 1.3. Demonstrates a Section 3.5
HID: emulated keyboard
more advanced USB device than
A very simple example showing how to send and
CDC: Virtual COM Port (or,
simpleUsbBackchannel receive data on both a virtual COM port USB Section 3.6
optionally, HID-Datapipe)
connection and the backchannel UART
The backchannel code in simpleUsbBackchannel is implemented as a simple library that can be copied
into any code project in which backchannel access is needed.
3.1 MSP430 Software Libraries: driverlib and the USB API
The examples are built upon two MSP430 libraries available from TI:
driverlib: A foundational MSP430 software library that is useful for interfacing with all MSP430 core
functions and peripherals, especially clocks and power. driverlib is part of MSP430Ware. The
examples contain a subset of full driverlib.
MSP430 USB API: Useful for quickly creating USB applications. The API is part of the MSP430 USB
Developers Package. The full USB API is included.
When you begin your own development, you will need more information about these libraries than can be
included in this user's guide. All of the information that you need is in the downloads linked above. Each
has its own documentation, and the USB Developers Package contains additional tools, 20+ more USB
examples, and detailed documentation.
The emulStorageKeyboard example also uses an MSP430 port of the open-source FatFs file system
software, which interacts with FAT storage volumes. It has been modified to work with internal MSP430
flash memory.
3.2 Viewing the Code
Although the files can be viewed with any text editor, more can be done with the projects if they are
opened with CCS or IAR. (Although support for mspgcc is increasing, the USB API does not yet fully
support mspgcc. See the FAQs in Section 5.)
CCS and IAR are each available in a full version and a free code-size-limited version. Although the
software demo can be built with the free version of CCS, the code is too large to be built with the free
version of IAR (IAR KickStart). This is primarily because the software demo has an MSC interface in it,
and MSC interfaces and storage volumes require more memory. Most USB examples built on the
MSP430 USB API (in the MSP430 USB Developers Package) that do not have an MSC Interface can be
built with IAR KickStart, and IAR Embedded Workbench is fully supported.
See the MSP430 software tools page to download these IDEs and for instructions on installation.
MSP430F5529 LaunchPad™ Development Tool (MSP
EXP430F5529LP) SLAU533ASeptember 2013Revised January 2014
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