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5 FAQs
Q: I can't get the backchannel UART to connect. What's wrong?
A: Check the following:
Do the baudrate in the host's terminal application and the USCI_A1 settings match?
Are the appropriate jumpers in place, on the isolation jumper block?
Probe on RXD and send data from the host; if you don't see data, it might be a problem on the host
Probe on TXD while sending data from the MSP430. If you don't see data, it might be a configuration
problem on the USCI_A1 module.
Consider the use of the hardware flow control lines (especially for higher baud rates)
Q: So the onboard emulator is really open source? And I can build my own onboard emulator?
A: Yes! We encourage you to do so. The design files are on
Q: Why are the character strings printed to the screen incorrect when using the keyboard demo?
A: If you are using a different regional keyboard, certain characters may appear differently. This can be
fixed by opening the *.txt files and entering new strings.
Q: My ASCII art rocket does not look right?
A: A couple possibilities…
If typing the rocket into Notepad++, the image can become skewed due to a setting that automatically
tabs into the next line after a carriage return. You can fix this by changing these settings or by using
the standard Notepad application or another text editor. (To open Notepad, click the Start button, then
click Run…, type "notepad" in the Open text box, and click OK.)
If you are using a word processor like Microsoft Word, be sure to use a fixed-width font like Courier
Q: I tried building my own project with driverlib and got a warning: "#303-D typedef name has
already been declared (with same type)." How do I resolve this?
A: This warning can occur with CCS v5.4. The version of driverlib in the F5529 LaunchPad software
examples is from MSP430Ware v1.40.01.44, which is targeted at CCS v5.5. CCS v5.5 has a new and
improved set of MSP430 header files in it (for example, msp430f5529.h), and the driverlib in these
examples is dependent on that new header file. To resolve this problem in the demo, TI put the new and
improved header file (from CCS v5.5) into this project, allowing the project to be compatible with v5.4.
However, if you are now working with a different project, this new header file may be missing. You can
copy the msp430f5529.h file out of the demo project into your project, or you can upgrade to CCS v5.5.
Q: The MSP430 G2 LaunchPad had a socket, allowing me change the target device. Why doesn't
the F5529 LaunchPad use one?
A: The F5529 LaunchPad provides more functionality, and this requires it to use a device with more pins.
Sockets for devices with this many pins are too expensive for the tool's target price.
MSP430F5529 LaunchPad™ Development Tool (MSP
EXP430F5529LP) SLAU533ASeptember 2013Revised January 2014
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