User manual

PoBlocks user manual (March 31, 2014)
7.3. Block library
Block library panel contains graphical representations of function blocks in the PoBlocks library. The
library is divided into block categories and tabbed menu system is used to switch between these. Each
block in the block library offers integrated help system (see the figure below) that gets activated by
hovering the mouse cursor over the block.
To insert the block from the library into the diagram, drag a block using mouse cursor from the block
library into the diagram.
7.4. Properties panel
Properties panel contains a dynamic grid of properties based on the currently selected object in the
diagram. By clicking on an empty space (without blocks), PoBlocks project properties are displayed in
the grid.
7.5. Project properties
Project properties are accessed by clicking on an empty space in the designing area (an area without
blocks or connections). The following options are available in the properties panel