
Rayne Mirrors offers a lifetime warranty, which begins after the retailer's warranty or return policy
expires. Rayne Mirrors warranty will cover Glass impurity not caused during delivery transit or impact
with other objects, unsecure frame joint not caused in delivery transit, frame defects, such as chipping,
warping, and fading of color not caused by cleaning the product with chemicals or incorrect installation
or relocation of the product. Installing the product against posted recommendations, voids the
warranty. Rayne Mirrors will offer to repair the product, or if it is irreparable, be replaced by a new
product. Rayne Mirrors will not refund price at the time of purchase, or listed price at the time of the
claim. If the product is no longer offered by Rayne Mirrors and the item in question cannot be repaired,
then the customer has the option to select an item this is equal or lesser in value, or to pay the
difference of a higher priced item. To file a claim, you can either email contact@raynemirrors.com or
call customer service at 573-325-1344. Please have photos of the defect and the original purchase
information available to complete the claim.

Summary of content (1 pages)