User's Manual

beginning of each transmission it will sound a distinctive
emergency alert tone three times.
Patch Tracking
The BC250D can follow EDACS patched talkgroups.
EDACS systems sometimes bring several talkgroups together
in a 'Patch'. A patch might be used by a police agency at night
to provide a single channel with a single dispatcher for a wide
area. A patch is created when a single, temporary talkgroup
substitutes for the original talkgroups. While the patch is
running, which may be for hours or days, the original
talkgroups cease to be used. If you were monitoring one of
these talkgroups, you might think there was no traffic, but in
fact the talkgroup was operating at the different temporary
If a talkgroup in your Scan List is patched, your scanner will
continue to receive it under its new identity until the patch has
ended. When a patch is being received, the radio will display
PATCH ID, and will show the temporary common talkgroup
plus all the included talkgroups in a cycling display.
The BC250D is limited to following one patch.
The temporary talkgroups used for patches are usually found
in AFS code 15-xxx, and sometimes 00-xxx.
BC250D 9/20/2 2:52 PM Page 66