Operation Manual

To start scanning, press any bank key.
When the BC350A is scanning, you can see the
ing across the display. Scanning stops on any active channel automat-
ically and displays its frequency, except those channels programmed with
L/O (Lock Out). Scanning resumes automatically two seconds after the
channel becomes inactive.
To stop scanning at any time, press
. When you press
you are in the Scan/Hold Mode. The scanner remains on the displayed
channel until you press any bank key again to resume scanning. (Or, you
can press
to start searching.)
In the Scan/Hold Mode, each time you press
, you step
up or down one channel at a time (one frequency step each for the AIR
or WX bank). Press and hold
to rapidly step through
that bank. In the Scan/Hold mode, you do not skip a locked out (L/O)
channel using
Weather Channel Scan
The BC350A allows you to search for your local NOAA weather channel.
to find the active weather channel in your area from 7 pre-pro-
grammed NOAA channels. To exit Weather Mode, press any other bank
key or
It is possible that your area is covered by more than one weather station.
When you press
, the BC350A will find an active broadcast immedi-
ately. If the broadcast sounds weak and distant, press
again to
look for a closer station.
All weather channels transmit continuous broadcasts. Once the
Weather scan stops on a transmission, it will remain on that channel.
Weather scan will not resume automatically. You must press
again to reactivate scanning. In some parts of the country, you may
not be able to monitor weather broadcasts, such as in low-lying areas.
Normally a higher location will improve the reception.
It is not recommended to program a weather frequency into any
banks. Because weather channels transmit continuously, the scanner
will stop on that channel, disrupting the scanning cycle. The Weather
Scan feature was provided specifically to avoid this occurrence.