User's Guide

April 4, 2019
Chapter 3 Operating and Configuring the UBS-200L | Unified Information Devices
001.006.03 v1.3
Transmit Device Serial Number “TDSN”
Setting the TDSN to 1 causes the UBS 200L to prepend the output data stream with the last 6 digits of
the device serial number, along with a delimiting comma. This can be useful when data is coming in
from multiple readers over a single port, or if data is being aggregated into a single file. Sending the
command “TDSN 1” will turn on this feature. Sending the command “TDSN 0” will turn off the feature
off. The feature is off by default. See example in Figure 13.
Figure 13. “TDSN” Prepend Serial Number Example.
Start Data Block “SDB”
Issue the “SDB” command followed by the beginning block number to specify where the user-data
begins in the transponder memory structure. By default, this value is 7 for UI Devices TTF transponders.
Some older “Classic” transponders start at block 3.
Check Config Block “CCB”
Setting “CCB” to 1 causes the UBS-200L to automatically select the beginning block of the user-data
based on the transponder type. This overrides the “SDB” setting, and may be useful where UI Devices
TTF and “Classic” transponders are intermixed.
Setting “CCB” to 1 overrides the “SDB” setting. If user data begins
at a block other than 3 or 7, set “CCB” to 0 and specify the
beginning data block using the “SDB” command.