User's Guide

April 4, 2019
Appendix 4 - Test Virtual COM Port using Tera Term | Unified Information Devices
001.006.03 v1.3
8. Enable “Receive: CR+LF” and “Local echo” in the terminal software.
6. Type “VER” and press <ENTER> to request the firmware version number from the UBS-200L.
The exact response from the UBS-200L may be different from that in the below example.
7. Congratulations! COM port communications have been verified!
8. Now type “GT” into the terminal window and press <ENTER>. If no transponder is present at
the UBS-200L antenna, “XXXXXXXX” will appear after a short delay, indicating that no
transponder was found.
9. Now place a transponder on the UBS-200L antenna and type “GT” followed by <ENTER> again.
If the transponder is properly positioned above the UBS-200L antenna, the ID of the
transponder will be immediately displayed.
10. Congratulations! The UBS-200L is successfully reading the transponder!