User's Manual

PIN Pad 791 Programmer’s Manual (PCI POS-A) UDN PM0103-U Rev. 06
Section 7 – Contactless EMV Level 2 transaction messages 2015-04-20
Uniform Industrial Corp. Proprietary and Confidential Total 342 pages
Message T53 PCD Certification Authority Public Key Setup
Format: <STX>T53[Op code][RID][PKI][Hash Algo][Hash][PK Algo][PK Leng]
[PK Exponent]<ETX>[LRC]
<STX>T53[Op code][PK Modulus]<ETX>
Message length: Variable.
Usage: Host can use this command to send the Certification Authority Public key data to
PIN pad, each command can only setup one key but this command can be sent many
times. PIN pad will save those key data inside and use those data when do the
transaction. PIN pad will send the message T54 (Certification Authority Public Key
Setup Response) to host. The data installed into PIN pad via this message, PIN pad
will save it in internal storage structure with a name same as concatenation of value in
[RID] and [PKI] fields. Ex. value in [RID] field is “A000000003”, value in [PKI] filed is
“90”, PIN pad will save these data and give an ID as “A00000000390”.
Message element:
Packet (Load RSA public key):
Field Length
Value and description
<STX> 1 <02>
T53 3 Message ID
Op code 1 1: Load first part of RSA public key
RID 10
Hexadecimal string, the left 5 bytes of Registered
Application Provider ID
PKI 2 Public Key Index, hexadecimal string. (Refer to
EMV Contactless Specifications v2.4, tag ‘9F22’)
2 Hash Algorithm Index, hexadecimal string
‘01’: SHA-1. Now, PIN pad accepts only ‘01’.
Hash 40 Hash checksum, hexadecimal.
2 Public Key Algorithm, hexadecimal string
‘01’: RSA digital signature. Now, PIN pad accepts
only ‘01’.
PK Leng 2 Public Key size, hexadecimalstring, for example:
‘80’ = 128 bytes = 1024 bits
1 Public Key Exponent’s size, hexadecimal
1: 3
2: 2