User's Manual

PIN Pad 791 Programmer’s Manual (PCI POS-A) UDN PM0103-U Rev. 06
Section 7 – Contactless EMV Level 2 transaction messages 2015-04-20
Uniform Industrial Corp. Proprietary and Confidential Total 342 pages
Message T61 Start Transaction
Format: <STX>T61<SUB>[AmtAuth]<SUB>[AmtOther]<SUB>
[Account Type]<SUB>[Force Online]<SUB>[Encrypted Session key]
Message length: Variable.
Usage: After receive this message command T61, PIN pad will perform an completed EMV
transaction flow (the flow will cover ‘Initiate Application’ through ‘Completion’, see EMV
Contactless Specifications 2.4, book A, chap 5.3, figure 5-2 - Logical Architecture). PIN
pad will send the message T62 (Start Transaction Response) to host.
Message element:
Field Length
Value and description
<STX> 1 <02>
T61 3 Message ID
<SUB> 1 <1A>
[AmtAuth] 12 Hexadecimal, Amount Authrozied,
will be stored at tag ‘0x9f02’
<SUB> 1 <1A>
[AmtOther] 12 Hexadecimal, Amount Other, will be
stored at tag ‘0x9f03’
<SUB> 1 <1A>
[CurExponent] 1 Hexadecimal, stored at tag ‘0x5F36’
[CurCode] 3 Hexadecimal, stored at tag ‘0x5F2A’.
For example, USD$ = 0x840
<SUB> 1 <1A>
[TranType] 2 Hexadecimal, Transaction Type, will
be stored at tag ‘0x9C’
<SUB> 1 <1A>
[TranInfo] 2 Transaction Info, will be stored at tag
<SUB> 1 <1A>
[Account Type] 2 Account Type, stored at tag ‘0x5F57’
<SUB> 1 <1A>
[Force Online] 1 1: Force Online, only valid if this
terminal has the capability of support
online authorization.
<SUB> 1 <1A>