User's Manual

PIN Pad 791 Programmer’s Manual (PCI POS-A) UDN PM0103-U Rev. 06
Section 11 – ICC / SAM / Magnetic stripe card manipulating messages 2015-04-20
Uniform Industrial Corp. Proprietary and Confidential Total 342 pages
Message I02 Primary Smart Card ATR Response
Format: <STX>I02[ATR]<ETX>[LRC]
Message length: Variable, depending on the specification of smart card..
Usage: The message contains the “Answer to Reset” (ATR) of the smart card to be sent to
host. In general, the ATR conforms to the ISO 7816-3 or EMV 4.3 Book 1. See these
standards for more detail information.
Message element:
Field Length
Value and description
<STX> 1 <02>
I02 3 Message ID
[ATR] N Answer to reset data.
Format: Hexadecimal string.
<ETX> 1 <03>
[LRC] 1 Checksum
Message flow: Please refer to message I01.