User's Manual

PIN Pad 791 Programmer’s Manual (PCI POS-A) UDN PM0103-U Rev. 06
Section 11 – ICC / SAM / Magnetic stripe card manipulating messages 2015-04-20
Uniform Industrial Corp. Proprietary and Confidential Total 342 pages
Message I09 Response of Smart Card Offline PIN Verification (EMV)
Format: <STX>I09[Response]<ETX>[LRC]
Message length: Fixed 7 bytes.
Usage: PIN pad will return the result of PIN verification operation. For EMV rule, it’s
recommended that terminal applies next CVM if get response equal to ‘C’, ‘E’, and ‘S’,
terminates EMV transaction if get response equal to ‘D’ and ‘F’.
Message element:
Field Length
Value and description
<STX> 1 <02>
I09 3 Message ID
1 ASCII character.
A: PIN is verified successfully.
C: Cardholder bypass PIN.
D: Communication failed (with smart card).
E: Exceed PIN try limit
S: No random number from
smart card.
F: Other errors
<ETX> 1 <03>
[LRC] 1 Checksum
Message flow: Please refer to message I08.