User's Manual

PIN Pad 791 Programmer’s Manual (PCI POS-A) UDN PM0103-U Rev. 06
Section 12 –Display functionality messages 2015-04-20
Uniform Industrial Corp. Proprietary and Confidential Total 342 pages
Message BB Screen Saver Setting
Format: <STX>BB[Waiting Time][Screen Saver Type]<ETX>[LRC] (request)
<STX>BC[Response]<ETX>[LRC] (response)
Message length: Fixed 9 bytes.
Usage: PP791 has screen saver functionality. Use this message to select one of screen
savers and set the waiting time, and use message BD to enable the screen saver.
While PP791 idles (without receiving messages, keystrokes, or screen touch) over the
time specified in [Waiting Time], the screen saver will be activated. The minimum
waiting time should be greater then or equal to 5 seconds.
Screen saver - Jpeg Show: display all jpeg pictures in rotation (at least one JPEG
image should be loaded into PP791).
Screen saves will be launched each time in rotation.
Request frame (HOST to PP791)
Field Length
Value and description
<STX> 1 <02>
BB 2 Message ID
[Waiting Time]
3 005~999
[Screen Saver
1 '1': Jpeg show
<ETX> 1 <03>
[LRC] 1 Checksum
Response frame (PP791 to HOST)
Field Length
Value and description
<STX> 1 <02>
BC 2 Message ID
[Response] 1 '0': Valid parameter.
'1': Invalid parameter.
<ETX> 1 <03>
[LRC] 1 Checksum