User's Manual

PIN Pad 791 Programmer’s Manual (PCI POS-A) UDN PM0103-U Rev. 06
Section 6 – Contact EMV Level 2 transaction messages 2015-04-20
Uniform Industrial Corp. Proprietary and Confidential Total 342 pages
The meaning of error code in the [Err Message] are listed below:
Error Code Error Description
00000003 Service not accepted.
00000F9B Store configuration data error.
8FFF0001 Out of memory.
8FFF0002 Parameter error.
8FFFFF02 Tag’s data format error.
8FFFFF03 Some mandatory tags are not configured well.
8FFFFFF0 Command format error.
8FFFFFF1 The sequence of EMV transaction command is error.
8FFFFFF2 Terminal fundamental data is missing.
8FFFFFF3 Authentication failed.
8FFFFF1A Authentication key expired.
8FFFFF1B Terminal configuration data is missing.
8FFFFF1C No configuration data of EMV application or the data is missing.
8FFFFFF4 The storage space of batch data capture is full.
8FFFFFF5 No terminal configuration data, EMV application configuration data or CA public key.
A2000001 Application initial conditions are not satisfied.
A2000002 The generated cryptogram is not allowed.
A2000007 The instruction ID of the specified is not recognized.
A200000A The type to request application cryptogram is incorrect.
A200000C The status response (SW1 SW2) is other than ‘9000’.
A200000D The Generate AC command is called more than 2 times in the current transaction.
A200000E The AIP mandatory data is missing in response data from card.
A200000F The AFL mandatory data is missing in response data from card.
A2000010 The response template from card isn't correct.
A2000011 The format of AFL is incorrect.
A2000013 A redundant data output from card is not allowed.
A2000014 Missing mandatory data in response data from card.
EFFFFFFF EMV transaction cancelled.
DFFFFFFF EMV forced abort.