User's Manual

PIN Pad 791 Programmer’s Manual (PCI POS-A) UDN PM0103-U Rev. 06
Section 1 – Introduction 2015-04-20
Uniform Industrial Corp. Proprietary and Confidential Total 342 pages
Message T61 Start Transaction _____________________________________________________ 138
Message T62 Start Transaction Response ____________________________________________ 140
Message T63 Get Transaction Result’s Data __________________________________________ 141
Message T64 Get Transaction Result’s Data Response _________________________________ 142
Message T65 Get Online authorization Data __________________________________________ 143
Message T66 Response of Get Online authorization Data message _______________________ 144
Message T6C Cancel PCD Transaction _______________________________________________ 145
Message T71 Send PCD Online Authorized Code ______________________________________ 146
Message T73 Send Issuer Script Command ________________________________________ 148
Message T75 Revocation List Setup _________________________________________________ 149
Message T76 Revocation List Setup Response ________________________________________ 150
Message T77 Exception List Setup __________________________________________________ 151
Message T78 Exception List Setup Response _________________________________________ 152
Overall Contactless EMV Level 2 transaction flow reference _____________________________ 153
Ref. 1 Packet command flow for transaction with offline approval _____________ 153
Ref. 2 Packet command flow for transaction with online approval _____________ 154
Section 8 MIFARE card messages ______________________________________ 155
Message P01 Enable/Disable MIFARE _____________________________________________ 156
Message P02 Query MIFARE Presence ____________________________________________ 158
Message P03 MIFARE Anti-collision _______________________________________________ 160
Message P04 MIFARE Selection __________________________________________________ 162
Message P05 MIFARE Classic/Ultralight Card Activation _____________________________ 164
Message P06 MIFARE Classic/Ultralight Card HALT _________________________________ 166
Message P07 MIFARE Classic Card Authentication ___________________________________ 168
Message P08 MIFARE Ultralight Card Read Page ____________________________________ 170
Message P09 MIFARE Ultralight Card Write Page _____________________________________ 172
Message P10 MIFARE Classic/Ultralight Card Read Block ____________________________ 174
Message P11 MIFARE Classic/Ultralight Card Write Block _____________________________ 176
Message P12 MIFARE Classic/Ultralight Card Read Sector ____________________________ 178
Message P13 MIFARE Classic/Ultralight Card Write Sector ___________________________ 180
Message P14 MIFARE Classic Card Value Operation __________________________________ 182
Message P15 Load MIFARE key __________________________________________________ 184
Message P16 Identify MIFARE Card Type ___________________________________________ 186
Message P17 MIFARE DESfire Card Activation ______________________________________ 188
Message P18 MIFARE DESfire Card Deselect ________________________________________ 190
Message P19 I/O to MIFARE card with APDU format _________________________________ 192
Message P20 I/O to MIFARE card for block data exchange _____________________________ 194
Overall MIFARE operation flow reference _____________________________________________ 196
Ref. 1 Activate and authenticate for MIFARE classic card. ___________________ 196
Ref. 2 The quick method for activating classic card. ________________________ 197