User's Manual

PIN Pad 791 Programmer’s Manual (PCI POS-A) UDN PM0103-U Rev. 06
Section 6 – Contact EMV Level 2 transaction messages 2015-04-20
Uniform Industrial Corp. Proprietary and Confidential Total 342 pages
Message T15 Start Transaction
Format: <STX>T15<SUB>[AmtAuth]<SUB>[AmtOther]<SUB>
[Account Type]<SUB>[Force Online]<SUB>[Encrypted Session key]
Message length: Variable.
Usage: PIN pad performs an completed EMV transaction flow (via ‘Initiate Application’ through
‘Completion’, see EMV 4.3, book 3, chap 8.2, figure 6 - transaction flow example)
based on the selected EMV application that has corrected application name on the
T12 (Application Select response), PIN pad will also prompt user to do the
appropriated entry when presented, like confirm or enter PIN code. PIN pad will send
the message T16 (Start Transaction Response) to host. If the IC card can not be read
(switch to magnetic stripe card processing), PIN pad will store the information provided
from this message and return the track data of magnetic stripe card and then finish
EMV transaction (The rest of operation on magnetic stripe card is outside scope of
EMV). Terminal could have extra operation on magnetic stripe card transaction (Issue
message 70 for PIN, and so on.).
Message element:
Field Length
Value and description
<STX> 1 <02>
T15 3 Message ID
<SUB> 1 <1A>
12 Hexadecimal, Amount Authorized tag
<SUB> 1 <1A>
12 Hexadecimal, Amount Other, tag
<SUB> 1 <1A>
[CurExponent] 1 Hexadecimal, tag ‘0x5F36’
3 Hexadecimal, tag ‘0x5F2A’.
For example, USD$ = 0x840
<SUB> 1 <1A>
2 Hexadecimal, Transaction Type, tag
<SUB> 1 <1A>
2 Transaction Info, tag ‘0x60000001’
<SUB> 1 <1A>
[Account Type]
2 Account Type, tag ‘0x5F57’