User's Manual

NEMO Bluetooth Radio Module
Solutions for a Real Time World Datasheet
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Copyright Unigen Corporation, 2008
PCM Long Frame Sync
Long Frame Sync is a clocking format that controls data transfer for PCM data words or sample
between two devices. The rising edge of BT_PCM_SYNC_P indicates the start of a PCM word in
Long Frame Sync. When NEMO is configured as a PCM master, generating BT_PCM_SYNC_P and
BT_PCM_CLK_P, the BT_PCM_SYNC_P is 8-bits long. As a PCM slave, BT_PCM_SYNC_P may be
from two consecutive falling edges of BT_PCM_SYNC_P to half of the BT_PCM_SYNC_P rate, i.e
62.5us long.
Figure 10: Long Frame Sync (Shown with 8-bit Companded Sample)
NEMO samples BT_PCM_RXD_P on the falling edge of BT_PCM_CLK_P and transmits
BT_PCMTXD_P on the rising edge of BT_PCM_CLK_P. The BT_PCM_TXD_P signal maybe
configured to be high impedance on the falling edge of BT_PCM_CLK_P in the LSB position or on
the rising edge.