User's Guide

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to add a new contact.
Contact list: Click a contact image in contact list you can call or send a
short message quickly .
Search for contacts: On contact list screen, press the search icon and then
input the key word to search for contacts in the list.
You can compose and send short messages (SMS) and multimedia
messaging (MMS). Click on the desktop Messaging icon to open the
message application.
New Message: Click the New Message icon in the upper right corner of the
interface, write new message and input the contact name or phone number
in the recipient field, the phone will be smart to match the available contact
stored in the phone. (Also you can select available contacts in contact list or
group list)
Input Method: Click on the text editing area and callout the keyboard.Pull
down the notification bar, enter the settings and open the language & input
to switch your input method. (Provided that you have chosen the system
input method Google Pinyin input method, downloaded other input method)
Send: After completion, you can tap the SIM1 or SIM2 button to send the