User's Manual

From the Latitude friend’s list, tap a friend.
Managing friends’ communication and privacy options
1. From the Home screen, tap Apps > Latitude.
2. From a friend’s profile:
Tap to view the friend’s location on the map.
Tap to get directions to the friend’s location.
Tap to view the friend’s location in street view.
Tap the friend’s photo to open Quick contact where you can view contact details, send an email,
and more.
Tap Sharing options to change sharing options for the friend.
Share best available
Share your precise location information.
Share only city level
Share only your city location, not a street-level location. Your friend
will see your picture in the middle of your current city.
Hide from this friend
Stop sharing your location with this friend.
Tap Remove this friend to remove the friend from your list and stop sharing locations.
Privacy settings
Only the last location sent to Latitude is stored by Google. If you turn off Latitude or are hiding,
no location is stored. To change your privacy settings:
1. From the Home screen, tap Apps > Latitude.
2. Tap Option >Latitude settings.
Location reporting
Report from this
Use automatically update your location from this
Location history
Enable location
Store your past locations and visualize them on the
Latitude website.
Latitude location
Manage your friends
Add or remove friends who can see your location
The Calendar application data on your phone syncs with the web-based Google Calendar service. It
is also compatible with Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync Calendar.