User's Guide

Table Of Contents
UBio-X Iris User Guide 43
Addr : 12F, Munjeong Daemyeong Valeon bldg, 127 Beobwon-ro Songpa-gu,
Seoul, Korea (zip code: 05836)
Tel: +82-2-6488-3000, Fax: +82-2-6488-3099,
3.6. System
3.6.1. System
The following window appears if you select the [System] [System] in the main
Basic setting: Same with the window at
the left side
User ID Length
It sets the length of the user ID, and it
can be 2~9 digits
and should be the
same with the length of the registered
ID of the server program. If the ID
ered in the server program uses
‘000075’ as a 6 digits ID, set 6.
It determines the priority of the
authentication between the terminal
and network server and there are 4
“Terminal Only”, “Server Only”,
“Terminal/Server”, “Server/Terminal”.
[Terminal Only]
: It only authorizes
the user registered in the terminal.
[Server Only]:
It only authorizes the
user registered in the server.
It authorizes the
user registered in the terminal as 1:N
identification but it authori
zes the user
in the server as 1:1 verification if failed.
It authorizes the
user registered in server as 1:N
identification but if the network
between server and terminal is
disconnected, it authorizes the user
registered in terminal as 1:N
identification if failed.