User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Page 48
X75 SERIES - Mk3 Controller
Manual No. x75mk3-11
13.7 AlarmLog
The alarm log page shows details of historical alarms detected by the controller. The
colored indicators denote the following alarm levels:
GreenAlarm cleared
Yellow –Minor alarm condition
Red – Major alarm condition
BlueAlarm condition but not congured as major or minor alarm.
A major or minor condition is congured by the alarm matrix outputs setting the
major or minor LEDs. If neither of these are congured for an alarm state but there
are other outputs (other LEDs, relays, emails, buzzer) then the indicator in the alarm
log will be blue.
Most of the alarm conditions should be self explanatory and are matched to the
inputs of the alarm matrix. The alarm log will also show an entry when the controller
enters a reboot.
To refresh the display click the REFRESH button. The applet automatically loads
the alarm history when it is rst run. This takes a couple of seconds to load from
the controller.
To clear the alarm log entirely from the controller, click the CLEAR button. This
requires an administrator level password.