User's Manual

Chapter 2 System Description DRU Transmit Output Coupler/RF Detector
340 DRU transmit output coupler with RF detector is the final component in the
repeater’s transmission path. The DRU transmit output coupler is connected to the OFN’s
output interface(s) for forward and reflected power level measurements.
The DRU transmit output coupler with RF detector includes three (3) coupled forward ports,
one (1) coupled reflected port and an RF detector board (which is located inside a
weatherproof housing).
The RF detector performs forward and reflected power monitoring/detection using forward
and reflected power detection circuits, which are connected to a coupled forward port and a
coupled reflected port respectively. The detected power levels are reported to the LBE via a
RS-422 interface.
One of the two remaining coupled forward ports is used to provide a forward power sample
to the TRMS. The other can be used for monitoring purposes.
Figure 2-40 DRU Transmit Output Coupler/RF Detector