User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Alternate pixel center may eliminate problems with some 3D
games that displays vertical and horizontal lines around textures
or text that appears incorrect. However, this setting should only
be used if you are experiencing these symptoms, as it may cause
problems with other games.
-buffer bit depths allows you to set the Z-buffer bit rate. By
default 16:24 (16 and 24) is selected to achieve optimum
8-bit S
tencil allows you to add 32-bit Z-buffer with 8 bits for
stencil and 24 bits for the Z-buffer.
ti-aliasing provides you with an overall higher quality video
image with a slight reduction in performance. When
Application Preference” mode is selected, the video driver will
use anti-aliasing only when an application requests it. When
Always On” mode is selected, the video driver will force anti-
aliasing on all applications.
Samples provides a higher sample ratio, which improves
overall image quality even further, with a slight reduction in
performance. This also requires more video memory.
Sample provides a higher sample ratio, which improves
overall image quality even further, with a slight reduction in
performance. This also requires more video memory.
thering method when alpha blending will remove certain
onscreen artifacts that are sometimes produced when both
dithering and alpha blending are enabled.
efaults restores your Direct 3D setting to their default values.