User's Manual

The remote control is not working
• Not turned on • Move travel lock to ‘unlock’ position
• Low/dead battery • Recharge battery in charging station
• Poor battery contact • Consult your hearing healthcare professional
• Battery upside down • Insert battery minus (–) side down
Indicator lights flashing rapidly
• Low battery • Recharge battery
Hearing instruments not responding to
Smart Alert remote commands
• Holding the remote too far away from hearing instruments • Move remote closer to you
• Only one side responds to Smart Alert remote • Hold remote in front of you. Hearing instruments are in the range of the
Smart Alert remote (not more than 105 cm); make sure you are not near
devices that could create wireless interference with your system, such as
cell phones, microwaves, old CRT monitors/TV units, etc.
The remote does not charge when it is placed in the charger
• The remote is not placed correctly in the charger • Place remote in charger correctly. When remote is in charger correctly
the charge light will be illuminated
Check that charger is plugged into outlet and functioning properly
Smart Alert
remote – alerting functions