User Instructions

magnetic field at the ear piece of hearing instrument
compatible telephones.
Depending on the programming provided by your
Hearing Healthcare Professional, easy-t may also be
equipped to automatically adjust the hearing
instrument settings on your non-phone ear to assist
with telephone situations (eg. reduce loudness and
resulting interference of environmental sounds in non-
phone ear).
To affix the easy-t magnet:
1. Clean the telephone receiver.
2. Hold the magnet near the ā€œlistening endā€ of your
telephone receiver and release it (Figure 1). The
magnet will flip to the appropriate side and seek
the optimal position on the telephone receiver.
3. Place the double-sided tape in this optimal position
on the telephone receiver (Figure 2) and attach the
magnet to the tape (Figure 3).
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3