User Guide

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Caring for batteries
Always discard batteries in a safe and
environmentally friendly way.
To prolong battery life, remember to turn your
hearing aids o when not in use, especially
when asleep.
Remove the batteries and keep the battery door
open while hearing aids are not being worn,
especially when asleep. This will allow internal
moisture to evaporate.
Tips for wearing hearing aids for the
rst time
Start in a quiet room at home rst to get
used to the new sound quality. Sounds like
the ticking of a clock, the humming of the
computer, the beep of the microwave or the
rustling of clothes or paper may seem loud
to you at rst, because you have not been
hearing them properly for a long time.
Read aloud to yourself and learn to adjust
the volume of your own voice when you are
wearing the hearing aids.
Talk to dierent people and learn how to
distinguish between dierent sound patterns
It will take some time before you are
completely used to your hearing aids and can
fully enjoy the benets.
Wear your hearing aids for as many hours a
day as you can, and for a little longer each