Installation guide

2.5 tv/rAdio
In TV mode, press [TV/RADIO] to switch to Radio mode. In
Radio mode press [TV/RADIO] again to switch back to TV
2.6 ok
1. In full screen, press [OK] key can enter “Channel List”,
please refer to TV Channel List for detail information.
2.7 Audio
1.In TV mode, press the [Audio] button to open the Audio
Mode window. ( OSD 1)
2.8 ePG
1.The STB has an Electronic Program Guide (EPG) to help you
navigate channels through all the possible viewing options.
The EPG supplies information such as channel listings and
starting and ending times for all available channels. Press
[EPG] key to display EPG screen.(OSD2)
2.Press [OK] key can play the current channel in full screen.
3.Press number key [1] can display all programs schedule
information of the selected channel. The window is like
below (OSD 3):
4.Press number key [2] can display the current channel detail
information. The window is like below (OSD4):
5.Press number key [2] in schedule and detail window can
open the timer window directly. This operation can add the
highlighted program to a timer quickly.
2.9 fAv +/-
1. In TV mode press the [FAV +/-] buttons to switch between
the favorite channels in the current Favorite Group
2.The sequence of the favorite channels is following the
sequence in the related Favorite Group list.
2.10 eXit
[Exit] key can exit current menu.
2.11 menu
[Menu] key can enter the menu or exit current menu.
2.12 mute
1.Press the [Mute] button to mute the sound. On the screen
an icon will be displayed to indicate the muted sound.
2.Press the [Mute] button again to restore the
2.13 BAck
Pressing the [Recall] button allows you to toggle between the
actual and the last selected channel.
BAsic oPerAtions
osd 1
osd 2
osd 4
osd 3