
The Technical Stuff
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The following procedure is used to set “Q bias:
1. Select either +4 or +8 output metering.
2. Adjust R59 fully counterclockwise (CCW).
3. Apply a sine wave signal to the 1176AE.
4. Adjust the Input and Output controls for 0dB output.
5. Slowly adjust R59 CW until the output decreases by 1.0 dB.
Meter Driver Null
A multimeter is needed to perform this calibration procedure:
1. Disconnect any input and output connections on the 1176AE.
2. Set your multimeter to measure DC volts.
3. Depress the Meter GR pushbutton.
4. Adjust the Zero potentiometer R71 (
see page 21) so that the meter reads near 0 dB.
5. Connect the multimeter across R74.
6. Adjust R75 for a minimum voltage reading.
7. Disconnect the multimeter.
8. Readjust the Zero Set potentiometer R71 so that the meter reads 0 dB
Stereo Operation and Calibration
With the use of an external 1176 Stereo Adapter (1176SA), available from Universal Audio, two 1176AEs
can be connected for stereo operation.
When used in stereo operation, the Attack and Release controls on the two 1176LNs will
interact so that changing the Attack or Release times on either device changes that of both
devices. Also, when connected in a stereo configuration, the fastest attack time is doubled
(that is, it becomes 40 microseconds instead of 20 microseconds.
During normal stereo operation, both 1176LNs should be set to the same Ratios as well as
similar Input and Output levels.