Instruction Manual

Applications: Analog to Digital Conversion
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A/D Conversion Using Internal Clock
In this configuration, the 2192 is the master system clock. Four word clock outputs are provided so the
2192 can be used as the master system clock without cascading the clock through external devices,
which can degrade the clock signal.
To perform A/D conversion using the internal clock:
1. Connect the analog source signals to the 2192 rear panel analog line inputs.
2. Using an appropriate digital cable, connect the 2192 rear panel digital output(s) to the
external device digital input(s) that will receive the digitized audio signal.
3. Set the 2192 Clock knob to Internal.
4. Set the 2192 Sample Rate knob to the desired frequency.
5. Set the 2192 Digital Outputs knob to ADC.
6. Set the external digital device to synchronize to the 2192 and receive the digitized audio