Instruction Manual

The Technical Stuff
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Model 2192 Overview
The 2192 Master Audio Interface is kind of like the Swiss Army knife of digital audio. It provides two
channels of analog to digital (A/D) conversion, two channels of digital to analog (D/A) conversion, a
format transcoder, and a word clock generator/distribution amplifier... all in one box. Its versatility and
flexibility mean that you can easily reconfigure your entire digital studio from one central source,
without the need for external software, computers, or complicated nested menu commands.
These same capabilities make the 2192 an excellent front end for Pro Tools or other digital audio
workstations (DAWs). The 2192 delivers superb audio fidelity thanks to its pristine Class-A analog
signal path, which is completely DC-coupled and fully differential, with no capacitors or DC servos
(these can degrade audio quality and image stability and introduce phase distortion). Its internal clock
rivals that of the best standalone units, and even when locked to external sources, a unique clock
conditioning circuit eliminates jitter injection.
No matter what task you give it, the 2192 can dramatically improve your monitoring environment
and/or the quality of your analog masters. As a front end for a native workstation, the 2192 provides
two channels of sterling sound quality for tracking, monitoring and mastering, with full support for
today’s higher sample rates of 88.2, 96, 176.4, and 192kHz.
The 2192 also offers tremendous flexibility in signal routing and monitoring. You can, for example, run
signal into its analog inputs, at sample rates ranging from 44.1kHz to 192kHz, and simultaneously
output it to AES/EBU (Single Wire or Dual Wire), S/PDIF and ADAT (with industry standard S-MUX
interleaving for sample rates above 48kHz). Its selectable output monitor allows you to monitor any of
the digital inputs, or the analog input, with no interruption of the transcoding.
Below is a detailed description of some of the main features of the 2192.
AES/EBU Digital I/O
The AES/EBU digital interfaces of the 2192 use transformer coupled, balanced differential inputs and
outputs for maximum digital signal integrity and jitter immunity. Only the highest-grade components
are used throughout.
Each balanced AES connector can individually isolate pin 1 from ground if desired via an internal
jumper block. ( see page 38 for more information) Both channels of a stereo pair, at all supported
sample rates, can be transferred on a single cable between compatible hardware units. For
compatibility with legacy equipment, dual wire mode is supported when using sample rates of 176.4 or
192kHz. In this mode, one channel of the stereo pair is received or transmitted on each of two separate
AES digital I/O’s. Dual Wire mode is set by depressing by the Single/Dual front panel selector switch.
(see #8 on page 8)
AES output “A” is used to transfer stereo digital audio on a single cable, or one channel of the stereo
pair when in Dual Wire mode. AES output “B” carries one channel in Dual Wire mode, and replicates
AES output “A” in Single Wire mode.