Instruction Manual

The Technical Stuff
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Subclocking occurs if the 2192 is synchronized to an external clock that is running at 2x or 4x the
2192’s sample rate. Overclocking occurs if the 2192 is synchronized to an external clock that is
running at 1/2 or 1/4 of the 2192’s sample rate. (see page 6 for more information) The 2192 clock
can be set to internal, and the digital source device set to synchronize to the 2192 (the recommended
configuration), or the clock can be derived externally, from either the digital source device or a
dedicated clock master. When an external clock is used, both the digital source device and the 2192
must be set to synchronize to the clock master.
When an external clock is used that provides a multiple or submultiple of the digital source sample
rate (e.g. a 48kHz clock master with 96kHz audio), the 2192 can slave to the clock master, and
generate the required word clock output for the digital source device at the higher or lower sample
Because the 2192 performs clock conditioning and jitter removal on all external clock sources, there is
no degradation in sound quality even when using inferior clock sources. All word clock and digital
output signals are generated from the conditioned internal clock, so the 2192 can be used for
reclocking poor quality external source clocks.
Analog I/O
Each balanced analog connector can individually isolate pin 1 from ground if desired via an internal
jumper block. (see page 38 for more information) The analog inputs and outputs can be adjusted
to calibrate signals for different levels as desired. ( see page 35 for calibration procedures )
Analog Line Trims
The analog line trims are used to calibrate analog I/O signal levels to match external analog hardware.
The analog I/O are calibrated at the factory so that analog levels of +4dBu correspond to -18dBFS
digital levels, for 18dB of headroom and maximum analog input and output levels of +22dB. The trims
can be adjusted to accommodate maximum levels over a wide range using the rear panel 15-turn trim
potentiometer. ( see page 35 for calibration procedures )
The 2192 does not support synchronization to clock rates that are not multiples or
submultiples of the digital audio (e.g. 44.1kHz clock with 48kHz digital audio, or vice versa).
The 2192 does not do sample rate conversion.
The 2192 does not support Superclock.