
Meter Function
The VU meter can be used to indicate 610B preamp output, 1176LN gain reduction or
1176LN output level. The Meter function is determined using the three position knob to
the left of the meter. When GR is selected, the meter reads Gain Reduction level in dB.
When PRE is selected, a meter reading of 0 corresponds to an output level of +4 dBm at
the 610B Preamp output. When COMP is selected, a meter reading of 0 corresponds to an
output level of +4 dBm at the 1176LN output.
Meter Calibration
The 0dB gain reduction reading may need to be calibrated.
1) Turn the 6176 on and warm up for 5 minutes.
2) Set the meter knob to the GR position.
3) With the 1176LN Input control full off (CCW) adjust the GR Zero Set trim pot
So the meter reads 0 dB. Turn pot slowly and watch how meter settles.
4) The GR Zero Set pot is located through a small hole on the front panel between the
1176LN Input and Output knobs.
Join / Split
The center section toggle switch labeled JOIN / SPLIT allows separate use of the 610B
preamp and the 1176LN limiter. When the switch is “down” in the SPLIT position, each
side of the 6176 is a separate device with associated in / out connections on the rear
chassis. When the switch is “up” in the JOIN position, the 6176 behaves like a “channel
strip” with the 610B output routed to the 1176LN internally. In this position, the 610B
rear chassis output XLR is automatically disconnected.
Stereo Operation
Using an external 1176 Stereo Adapter (1176SA), which is available from Universal
Audio, two units may be connected for stereo operation. Use the following procedure to
calibrate the 1176 stereo adapter:
1) Remove the signals from both 1176 units.
2) Disable the gain reduction on each limiter (set both ATTACK controls fully CCW).
3) Connect the 1176-SA to both limiters (This requires two RCA style cables).
4) Use the METER function knob to set both units into GR mode.
5) Adjust the potentiometer on the 1176-SA until both meters read 0dB.
6) If it is not possible to zero both meters, reverse the stereo interconnect cables and
repeat the preceding step.
Note: When used in stereo operation, the Attack and Release controls on the two units
will interact. Controlling the Attack and Release on either of the units controls both
units. When connected in a stereo configuration, the fastest attack time is double that of a
single unit.
6176 Rear Panel
On the left, the rear panel (Figure 3) has the 1176LN LINE INPUT and LINE OUTPUT
XLR connectors. Also, there is an 1176LN Input Loading switch and an 1176LN Stereo
Link jack.
On the right, the 610B MIC INPUT, LINE INPUT, and LINE OUTPUT XLR
connectors. The center of the rear panel has an AC Power input with fuse holder. These
connectors and controls are discussed in the following sections.