Owner's manual

Front Panel
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(3) Hi-Z Input - Connect high impedance signal from an instrument such as electric guitar or bass to
this standard unbalanced 1/4" jack connector. The 710’s jack detection circuitry automatically
switches from the selected rear panel MIC or LINE input to the front panel Hi-Z input whenever a plug
is inserted into this jack.
(4) +48 V - Most modern condenser microphones require +48 volts of phantom power to operate.
When in the up position, 48 volts of phantom power are delivered to the rear panel MIC INPUT.
( See #4 on page 7 and see page 14 for more information about phantom power)
(5) -15 dB PAD - When placed in the up position, the MIC INPUT signal will be reduced by -15dB.
(This switch has no effect on LINE INPUT or Hi-Z signal.) Use this to reduce the incoming signal in
cases where undesired distortion is present at low gain levels (for instance, where especially sensitive
microphones are used on loud instruments).
(6) Input Select - Determines whether the MIC (up position) or LINE (down position) input is active.
(7) Meter - A standard VU meter that displays either the amount of output level or preamplifier
overdrive, depending upon the setting of the Meter Function switch. ( see #9 below)
(8) Blend (“
”) - This unique control sets the relative contribution from the solid-state and vacuum
tube preamplifier circuits. When in the fully counterclockwise (TRANS) position, only signal from the
solid-state preamplifier is heard. When in the fully clockwise (TUBE) position, only the signal from the
tube preamplifier is heard. At the twelve o’clock position, signal from both the solid-state and tube
preamplifiers is heard at equal amounts.
(9) Meter Function - This two-position switch determines what the 710’s VU meter displays. In the up
(OUTPUT) position, it shows final output level in dB; in the down (DRIVE) position, it shows the
THD(total harmonic distortion) level after the front panel Gain control, but before the preamplifier
circuitry, thus giving an accurate gauge of how hard the tube and solid-state preamplifiers are being
driven. In DRIVE mode, the meter is calibrated so that 0 VU is equal to 1.2% THD on a 1KHz sine wave
and -10VU is equal to 0.4% THD. ( see page 9 for more information) When OUTPUT is selected, a
Keep phantom power off (switch down) when it is not required.
To avoid loud transients, always make sure phantom power is off when connecting or
disconnecting microphones.
Always check the power requirements of your microphone with the manufacturer before
applying phantom power.
Making a connection to the Model 710’s front panel Hi-Z input jack automatically
disconnects any signal arriving at the rear panel mic or line input.