User Manual

Apollo 8 Hardware Manual Front Panel 17
(18) Monitor Output Level Meters
The 10-segment LED meters display the signal peak output levels of the rear panel Left
& Right Monitor outputs at the output of the D/A converters. These meters are before the
Monitor Level control (pre-fader) and reflect the D/A converter levels regardless of the
current Monitor Level and Headphone Level knob settings.
The dB values of the monitor meter LEDs are indicated between the left and right
channel meters. When digital clipping occurs, the red “C” (clip) LED illuminates.
If the monitor output level clips, reduce the monitor output level within the DAW and/or
reduce the output level of individual channels feeding the monitor output bus within the
Console application.
(19) Meter Switch
This switch determines whether the Channel Level Meters (#12) are displaying input
levels or output signal levels. Pressing the switch toggles the state of the meters and the
Meter Indicators (#15).
(20) Monitor ALT Switch
When ALT monitoring is configured in the Hardware panel within the Console Settings
window (when ALT COUNT is set to a non-zero value), this switch toggles between the
main monitor outputs and the ALT 1 outputs (line outputs 1 & 2).
When the ALT switch is engaged:
• The monitor signals are routed to outputs 1 & 2 instead of the main monitor outputs
• The orange LED within the switch is illuminated
• The Monitor Level Indicator (#23) is orange instead of green
For complete details about how to configure and use the ALT monitoring features, refer to
the Apollo Software Manual.
Tip: ALT 2 outputs (line outputs 3 & 4) can be selected with the FCN switch
(#21, when configured in Console Settings) or in the Monitor column within the
Console application.