User's Manual

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Apollo Solo Manual Console Reference 110
When enabled, the 48V switch is red and 48 volts of phantom power is supplied
to the Apollo Solo channel’s rear panel Mic input. Most modern condenser
microphones require 48V phantom power to operate. This option can only be
activated when the Mic/Line switch is set to Mic.
Caution: Activate 48V only with compatible equipment such as phantom powered
microphones. Incompatible equipment can be damaged by the applied voltage.
Depending on the current configuration of the Apollo Solo and Console, there may be a
delay when changing the 48V state to minimize the clicks/pops that are inherent when
engaging phantom power. The +48V LED on Apollo Solo’s top panel flashes during any
When enabled, the PAD switch is yellow and the channel’s microphone input signal
level is attenuated by 20 dB. Pad does not effect the Line or Hi-Z inputs.
Pad is used to reduce signal levels when overload distortion is present at low
preamp gain levels, such as when particularly sensitive microphones are used on loud
instruments, and/or if the A/D converter is clipping.
Tip: Activate PAD when the input is clipping but preamp gain is at minimum.
Alternately, reduce the output level (if available) of the device connected to Apollo
Solo’s input.
When enabled, the polarity (aka “phase”) switch is yellow and the input channel’s
signal is inverted. Polarity affects the Mic, Line, and Hi-Z inputs.
Tip: Polarity inversion can help reduce phase cancellations when more than
one microphone is used to record a single source.
Console Plug-In Insert Controls
All Console plug-in insert slots operate the same way. For complete details
on all insert functionality and operations, see Console Plug-In Inserts.
plug-in inserts