User's Manual

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Apollo Solo Manual Console Reference 137
If a session file was previously saved, selecting this option writes the current settings to
the file with the same name, overwriting the previously saved file.
If the current session has never been saved, the operating system’s standard “Save File”
dialog appears so a new session file can be named and saved to disk.
Save As...
This option opens the operating system’s standard “Save File” dialog so the current
session can be named and saved to disk as a new session file.
Important: Session settings will not be saved if the “/” (forward slash) or “?”
(question mark) characters are in the filename. Avoid these and other special
characters when saving session files.
Edit Menu
Note: See Multiple Undo/Redo for an overview of Undo/Redo.
When a parameter value in the Console window is edited, the change
can be reverted with the Undo command. By executing Undo again,
edits can be stepped backwards repeatedly.
The number of Undo steps is essentially unlimited. The Undo cache is
active until a new or different session is loaded or Console is quit.
When the Undo function (above) is executed, the original edit can be
restored with the Redo command. By executing Redo again, previous
Undo’s can be restored repeatedly.
The number of Redo steps is essentially unlimited. The Redo cache is active until a new
or different session is loaded.
Remove All
All plug-ins can be categorically deleted from Console by selecting an item from the sub
Enable All
All plug-ins can be categorically enabled from Console by selecting an item from the sub
Disable All
All plug-ins can be categorically enabled from Console by selecting an item from the sub