User's Manual

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Apollo Solo Manual Console Overview 83
Sends Overview
Apollo Solo has four stereo mix buses that are configured and adjusted within Console:
Monitor, auxiliary 1, auxiliary 2, and HP cue. Each Apollo Solo input has independent
level, pan, and mute controls for each of the stereo mix buses. These controls are used
to “send” signals into the mix bus.
Stereo Mix Buses
In addition to the main monitor mix, the following stereo mix buses are available:
AUX 1 & AUX 2
The two stereo auxiliary buses are typically used for shared effect processing (to reduce
UAD resource usage) for realtime monitoring with time-based effects such as reverb and/
or delay. The aux mixes are adjusted via each input’s two aux send controls.
By default, the aux sends are post-fader and post-mute. The aux sends can be switched
to be pre-fader and pre-mute. The Aux Pre / Aux Post function switch for each aux is
located in its respective auxiliary bus return strip.
HP Cue
The HP cue bus is for creating a stereo mix that is different from the main monitor
mix. Cues are typically used for performers that want to hear a headphone mix that is
different from the main monitor mix, or for routing individual channels or mixes to other
The HP cue mix is adjusted via the HP send on each input and aux strip. All HP sends
are pre-fader and pre-mute so they are not affected by adjustments to the main monitor
Mix Bus Returns
The stereo mix bus returns are used to route the mix to available outputs.
The auxiliary mixes are routed to the aux return strips. HP sends are available on the aux
returns for routing aux effects to the HP cue mix bus.
See Aux Returns for details.
HP Cue
The HP cue mix is heard via the selections in the monitor controls section. To hear the
HP cue mix in the headphones, HP must be manually routed to the HP output via the
Cue Outputs Popover.
The Monitor outputs can be switched to output the HP cue mix instead of the monitor