User's Manual

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Apollo Solo USB Manual Console Reference 114
Aux Returns
Aux Overview
Console has two stereo aux (auxiliary) mix buses. Signals are
sent to the aux buses via the aux sends in Console’s channel
input strips. Console’s aux returns are used to control and
process the signals that are received from those sends.
The controls in Console’s aux return strips are similar to the
channel input strips, but instead of controlling a channel input,
they control the output of the aux mix bus. Both stereo aux
returns have four plug-in inserts for Realtime UAD Processing.
The aux sends can be post-fader and post-mute (input channel
faders must be raised and un-muted to be routed to the aux
bus, and the send levels will reflect channel fader changes), or
pre-fader and pre-mute (input channel faders and mutes do not
affect the aux bus).
The aux buses in Console are designed primarily for send/return
processing using UAD plug-ins. Using aux buses for effects is
a great way to conserve UAD resources. For example, by using
an aux for reverb processing, only one reverb plug-in is needed
on the aux return instead of putting a reverb plug-in on each
individual input channel.
Show Aux Returns
By default, the aux returns are not visible. To show the aux
returns, enable the AUX switch in the SHOW section of the
monitor column.
The Show Aux switch in the monitor column
Aux Notes
Aux 2 is unavailable at sample rates of 176.4 kHz and 192 kHz.
The outputs of the aux buses have 69 samples of additional latency compared to
the monitor outputs. This is necessary to maintain the lowest possible latency for
the dry signals.
Aux returns