User's Manual

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Apollo Solo USB Manual Console Reference 116
Aux Mono
This switch sums the left and right channels of the stereo aux mix bus output into a
monophonic signal. The aux return output is stereo when the button is gray and mono
when the button is lit.
Aux Mute
The aux mute switch stops the aux return’s signal from being routed to the monitor mix.
The aux return output is active when the button is gray and muted when the button is lit.
Note: Aux mute does not mute the aux’s HP cue send.
Aux Fader
This is the master signal level control for the aux bus return to the main monitor mix.
It does not affect the aux bus return’s cue send. Up to 12 dB of gain above 0 dB is
Aux Meter
The input meter always displays the signal level of the aux return after UAD plug-in
processing in the aux inserts. Depending on the state of the METERING option in the
Display panel within the Console Settings window (either pre-fader or post-fader), this
meter will display the level going into the monitor mix bus (post-fader/post-inserts), or
the level of the aux mix bus (pre-fader/post inserts).
Tip: When recording into a DAW, it’s usually best to keep metering set to PRE-
FADER so the meters accurately represent the signal level at the DAW inputs when
Input Level Scale
The numerical labels next to the LED meters represent digital signal levels. “0”
represents 0 dBFS (digital full scale, the maximum level before undesirable A/D
clipping). If the level at the aux bus exceeds 0 dBFS, the meter’s clip indicator
Important: If clipping occurs, reduce the aux send levels from the input channels
and/or the output gain(s) of UAD plug-in processing in the aux inserts.
Peak Hold
The aux meters also have a peak hold feature, which holds signal peak values for a
specified period of time. The clip and peak hold times can be adjusted in the Display
panel within the Console Settings window.