User's Manual

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Apollo Solo USB Manual Console Reference 128
Sessions Manager Contents
Session folder contents can be organized via the OS file system. File locations in the OS
are reflected within the Sessions Manager.
Note: Reorganizing session files within subfolders can only be performed within
the OS file system.
All items within the Default Session Files Location are displayed in the SESSION
column. If more sessions or folders reside in the column than are currently within view, a
scroll bar appears.
Double-click any session in the SESSION column to load it, or click a sub-folder (if any)
to display sessions within the sub-folder in the SUB-FOLDER column.
Note: Sub-folders are indicated in the SESSION column by small disclosure
triangles near the right side of the SESSION column.
If the SESSION column contains one or more folders, selecting the folder will display
its contents in the SUB-FOLDER column. Double-click any session in the SUB-FOLDER
column to load it.
Sessions Manager Function Switches
The Sessions Manager contains switches that perform file management tasks. Click a
switch to perform the operation on the currently selected preset or sub-folder.
New – Creates a new Console session with default settings (default settings cannot be
changed). If the current session has been modified, a dialog appears allowing it to be
saved first.
Open... – Opens the operating system’s standard “Open File” dialog for loading existing
session files from disk.
Tip: Session files can also be opened by double-clicking .uadmix files from within
the operating system’s file system.
Save – Saves the current modified preset file in place. If the preset was not previously
saved (if the file doesn’t exist), the Save As window appears.
Save As... – This option opens the operating system’s standard file save dialog window so
the current session can be named and saved to disk as a new session file.
Important: Session settings will not be properly saved if the “/” (forward slash) or
“?” (question mark) characters are in the filename. Avoid these and other special
characters when saving session files.