User's Manual

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Apollo Solo USB Manual Console Reference 134
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Plug-Ins – The function is performed on all Console plug-ins.
Insert Plug-Ins – The function is performed on all channel insert plug-
ins. Aux and Unison plug-ins remain inserted.
Aux Plug-Ins– The function is performed on all auxiliary plug-ins.
Channel and Unison plug-ins remain inserted.
Unison Plug-Ins– The function is performed on all Unison plug-ins.
Channel and aux plug-ins remain inserted.
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Show/Hide Items
Show/Hide Aux Returns
Shows the aux returns when they are hidden, and hides
them when they are visible. This item performs the same
function as the Show Aux Returns switch in the monitor
Show/Hide Inputs
Allows unused Console inputs to be hidden from view. For
details, see Show/Hide Inputs.
Show/Hide Offline Devices
Shows offline devices when they are hidden, and hides
them when they are visible. This feature is typically used
for adjusting Console sessions in multi-unit configurations
when all devices are not currently connected.
View Items
Note: Items in this section perform the same function as clicking the View
switches in the View column.
Overview – Switches Console to Overview view.
Inputs – Switches Console to Inputs view.
Inserts – Switches Console to Inserts view.
Sends – Switches Console to Sends view.