User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Apollo Solo USB Manual Console Settings 158
Device Letter
Each unit in the Devices list is designated with a sequential letter. These letters are used
when multi-unit cascading to differentiate between Apollo devices. The device letters
cannot be modified.
Device Color
Each unit in the Devices list is color coded for enhanced identification. These colors are
used in the Meter Bridge when multi-unit cascading to differentiate between devices.
The device colors cannot be modified.
Designate Monitor Unit
In multi-unit configurations (not available with Apollo Solo USB systems), the device at
the top of the column is the designated monitor (master) unit. The monitor unit indicated
by a speaker icon between the device letter and the device name. To change the monitor
unit, drag a unit to the top of the device column.
Note: This operation reconfigures the system. There may be a delay before the
operation is completed.
Add Device
Unit(s) can be manually added for offline configuration by clicking the “+” switch (below
the devices in the column) to present the Add Device menu. Click a device in the menu
to add it to the Device Column.
Note: When a device is properly connected and powered, it is automatically
detected and added to the device list.
Options Column
Selecting a unit in the Devices column reveals its device-specific settings in the Options
column. A device is currently selected when its text is not dim.
Note: Settings in the Options Column apply only to the specific unit currently
selected in the Devices Column.
Apollo Solo USB device options