User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Apollo Solo USB Manual Console Settings 163
Relative Circular (grab) – Relative Circular mode operates similar to Circular mode, but
the knob value does not jump to the mouse position when clicked. Instead, the knob
value is modified relative to its original value.
In Relative Circular mode, click anywhere on the knob to make an adjustment originating
at the original value (it’s not necessary to click on the current knob position).
Tip: To increase adjustment resolution when adjusting rotary controls in circular
and relative circular modes, increase the radius of the mouse relative to the knob
while dragging (move the mouse farther away from the knob while dragging in a
circular motion).
Plug-In Column
All installed UAD plug-ins are displayed in the list in alphabetical order. Settings for
each UAD plug-in are contained within its row. Vertically scroll the list to see plug-ins
that are not currently in view.
Status Column
The authorization status and/or demo state of the plug-in is displayed here. The status
mirrors the status shown in the Plug-Ins panel within the UAD Meter & Control Panel
Tip: To start a 14-day plug-in demo, click START DEMO in the Plug-Ins panel
within the UAD Meter & Control Panel application, or in the UAD Toolbar at the
bottom of each UAD plug-in editor.
Hide Column
These switches prevent UAD plug-ins from being visible from within Console’s Insert
Assign popover. Click a plug-in’s HIDE switch to toggle the state. The plug-in is hidden
when HIDE is yellow and its title and icon are dim.
This function restricts the availability of assignable plug-ins. By default, all plug-ins are
visible, even if they are unlicensed or the demo period is expired. By hiding plug-ins that
are unlicensed or expired, only plug-ins that can process audio are exposed in the Insert
Assign popover, which can be convenient for more rapid assignments.
Info Column
These switches open the plug-in’s product page at UAs online store, providing a general
overview the plug-in.
Tip: For detailed operational info for each plug-in, see the UAD Plug-Ins Manual.
Buy Column
Adds an unlicensed plug-in to the shopping cart at the UA online store. The switch is not
visible for licensed plug-ins.