User's Manual

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Apollo Solo USB Manual Latency & Apollo Solo USB 221
For example: When Console’s IDC value is set to Short (100 samples – the default value)
and only 31 samples is actually required to compensate, 100 samples is still added to
all inputs in the DAW. If using software monitoring via the DAW, the extra (unnecessary)
delay could be detected.
Software monitoring with Console IDC
When software monitoring via the DAW and Console IDC is enabled, the lowest effective
Console IDC setting is recommended to minimize monitoring latency. If using Console
for monitoring and software monitoring via the DAW is disabled, the IDC value isn’t as
critical because Console will dynamically deliver the lowest possible monitoring latency.
UAD-2 DSP Resources
Console IDC uses a small percentage of Apollo Solo USB’s DSP. To maximize UAD
resources available for UAD plug-ins, disable Console IDC if it is not needed.
Special Cases: Precision Multiband, Ampex ATR-102, and AKG BX 20
These three UAD plug-ins have extra latency values that exceed the capacity of Console’s
IDC engine even at the maximum setting (Long). These plug-ins are designed to be
used on the outputs of a DAW during mixdown, where latency is not a consideration. If
using these plug-ins in Console, the Input Delay Compensation feature may need to be
disabled or ignored.
Minimizing UAD Input Latency When Software Monitoring
If the DAW’s I/O buffered software monitoring is used when performing and UAD plug-ins
are used within the DAW, input latency can be much higher versus using Console for
hardware input monitoring. However, there are ways to mitigate the additional input
latency if software monitoring is preferred.
When software monitoring, input latency is determined by the session sample rate,
the DAW’s buffer size setting, and the number of serial (i.e., stacked or chained) UAD
plug-ins. To minimize input latency, try any or all of these mitigations:
Use a higher session sample rate
Use a lower I/O buffer size
Use fewer serially inserted (stacked/chained) UAD plug-ins
Use UAD-2 LiveTrack Mode
UAD-2 LiveTrack Mode
UAD-2 PCIe cards, UAD-2 Satellite USB, Apollo Twin USB, Apollo Solo USB, and
Thunderbolt-equipped Apollo audio interfaces (all UAD devices except UAD FireWire
devices) offer an advanced buffering architecture that delivers reduced latency when
tracking through UAD plug-ins that are loaded in a DAW. To enable the feature, activate
LiveTrack Mode on the UAD plug-in(s) when software input monitoring. LiveTrack Mode
is enabled by clicking the mic button in the UAD Toolbar at the bottom of the UAD plug-
in interface. LiveTrack is active when the mic button is red.