User's Manual

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Apollo Solo USB Manual Console Overview 64
When To Use Console
Console can be used without a DAW, simultaneously in conjunction with a DAW, or not at
all. These scenarios are covered in greater detail in Working With Apollo Solo USB.
Note: Console processing is always active, even after the application is quit.
Console can be launched or quit at any time, whether or not a DAW is already
Console without DAW. Console can be used by itself without the use of a DAW or any
other audio software. Using Console without a DAW provides access to all Apollo Solo
USB functionality and simplifies the use of Apollo Solo USB’s digital mixing, monitoring,
and Realtime UAD Processing features when a DAW’s recording and playback features
are not needed.
Console with DAW. Console is used at the same time as a DAW when low-latency
monitoring and/or recording of Apollo Solo USB’s inputs with (or without) Realtime UAD
Processing is desired. In this scenario, Console is used as a front end to control input
monitoring when recording, and the DAW’s software input monitoring feature is disabled.
This workflow completely eliminates the I/O buffering latencies associated with using
software monitoring via the DAW.
Important: To eliminate doubled signals, software monitoring in the DAW must be
disabled when Console is used for input monitoring. Conversely, Console inputs
must be muted if the DAW’s software monitoring feature is enabled.
UAD plug-ins can be used within Console and a DAW at the same time. In this scenario,
Apollo Solo USB’s DSP resources are shared between the two host applications. Realtime
UAD Processing is available via Console, and buffered (non-realtime) UAD processing is
available via VST or AAX 64 plug-ins in the DAW. See UAD Plug-Ins: Console versus DAW
for more details about this workflow.
Interactions Between Console and Apollo Solo USB
Console’s settings mirror the Apollo Solo USB hardware. Changes made to one are
also made on the other, and vice versa. If changes are made to Console when Apollo
Solo USB is not connected, and then Apollo Solo USB is subsequently connected, the
Console settings are sent to the hardware.