User Manual

Apollo Twin Hardware Manual Chapter 1: Introduction 12
Apollo Twin Hardware Manual
The Apollo Twin Hardware Manual contains complete information about the audio inter-
face hardware. Included are detailed descriptions for all Apollo Twin hardware features,
control functions, and connections. Refer to this hardware manual to learn about inter-
facing the hardware with other devices, operating the panel controls, specifications, and
related information.
Apollo Software Manual
The Apollo Software Manual is the companion guide to the Apollo Twin Hardware manu-
al. It contains detailed information about how to configure and control Apollo’s software
features using the Console application and Console Recall plug-in. Refer to the Apollo
Software Manual to learn how to operate these software tools and integrate Apollo’s audio
interface functionality into the DAW environment.
UAD System Manual
The UAD System Manual is the complete operation manual for Apollo’s UAD-2 function-
ality and applies to the entire UAD product line. It contains detailed information about
installing and configuring UAD devices, the UAD Meter & Control Panel application, how
to use UAD plug-ins within a DAW, obtaining optional plug-in licenses at the UA online
store, and more. It includes everything about UAD except Apollo Twin-specific informa-
tion and individual UAD Powered Plug-In descriptions.
UAD Plug-Ins Manual
The features and functionality of all the individual UAD Powered Plug-Ins is detailed in
the UAD Plug-Ins Manual. Refer to that document to learn about the operation, controls,
and user interface of each plug-in that is developed by Universal Audio.
Direct Developer Plug-Ins
UAD Powered Plug-Ins includes plug-ins from our Direct Developer partners. Documen-
tation for these 3rd-party plug-ins are separate files that are written and provided by
the plug-in developers themselves. The filenames for these plug-ins are the same as the
plug-in title names.
Host DAW Documentation
Each host DAW application has its own particular methods for configuring audio inter-
faces and using plug-ins. Refer to the host DAW’s documentation for specific instructions
about using audio interface and plug-in features within the DAW.
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